This text is a hommage to living in the moment and not dissecting our experiences in the aftermath. Inspiration originates from Virginia Woolf´s quote and a very recent experience that I somewhat accidentally made.
"The moment is all; the moment is enough." by Virginia Woolf
I asked myself today: Why is it that we tend to rip apart a moment in its aftermath? Why do we have to tear it and tease it and praise it? And to send text messages across to confirm each other of ourselves over and over again?
Sharing one´s emotions or letting another person know about positive impacts that such a moment might have had – all this may be a good thing. It can be calming as much as enlightening. I feel you. I feel your temptation. I thank you for letting me know. I am aware; our feelings about that time are not too dissimilar.
Yet, I am wondering: Are we, in this way, not diminishing the moment´s mightiness? Its glamour and sparkling. Its secrets, uniqueness, and magic? Why is it that this moment was not allowed to exist in its own right – to be experienced and then remain as a silent whisper? What do you think? Would the moment have lasted a little longer? Perhaps as a light breeze of sensation on our skin. As a smile on our lips providing us with motivation and energy alike. Or as a beat skipped by the heart when we returned to revive it with our memory minds?
Mongolian people shared the following wisdom with me: “It is better to meet once in each other´s lifetime than having had a thousand phone calls.” In our modern era, this of course applies as much to phone calls as to text messages and all contents of the digital world. And I believe: The Mongolian proverb carries profound meaning. Because:
Let´s not dilute our moments.
Let´s keep them unoccupied, be focused, and enjoy their unfolding and power naturally. Do we really need that many more words to highlight the meaning of a moment? Perhaps not as often as one might think - or be tempted to share.
And in our case: no. We did not need more words. More highlighting. Brighter colours. Bold font. More confirmation. Why did we not withhold our energy for when our realities collided again and reminded us that every moment is all that we ever have, and for that very reason more than enough?